1981 Dungeon Boardgame Advertisement from Dragon Magazine

I posted an ad for this game out of Boys’ Life so you should totally check that post if you missed it last year. This version of the same advertisement for the Dungeon boardgame is near-identical to that other one; this version is in color!

If you’ve never played this Dungeons & Dragons (find at Amazon.com*) boardgame then it’s one you’re probably best off avoiding. It’s a simplistic design and one I think stood stronger in the early eighties than it does today. Conceptually it’s still great, but the game needs a redesign to work in today’s world.

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2 thoughts on “1981 Dungeon Boardgame Advertisement from Dragon Magazine

  1. My favorite board game growing up. Still love it–and the version pictured is my favorite art/design for it.

    Last weekend was Con of the North in the Twin Cities, and although I didn’t get to see it first-hand, I’d been shown pictures of someone’s 3D version. It was even multilevel, being about a foot or so tall off the table!

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