1995 Mattel Judge Dredd “Mega Heroes” Toys
The back cover of Legends of the Dark Knight #76 (October, 1995) has a little bit of a surprise for the Judge Dredd fans in the audience: Toys from Mattel! The Mega Heroes line featured six different packs of static Judge Dredd toys (Amazon.com search*), and from what I can tell these are actually fairly inexpensive when you consider that the line is two decades old.
For more on these toys see this page at Virtual Toy Chest.

Related articles
- Pop! Heroes: Judge Dredd by Funko (toysrevil.blogspot.com)
- Judge Dredd, Aliens, and Predator in September (battlegrip.com)
- “Welcome to the nightmare.” Kenner’s Legends of the Dark Knight in 1998 (battlegrip.com)
These Dredd figures look fun. Kind of sucks no articulation, at least it looks that way, but a nice selection of figures. I do wonder how hard they are to find.
@Jason – I found them on Amazon. Between $8 and $16/set, so not all that pricey.
Ah, so they are mini-figures. Interesting. They do look pretty fun still.
They actually have arm articulation on most of them as I recall. I had a couple Judge Dredd figures back in the time as well as most of the Cyber Force line in the same scale.
@Nicholas Ahlhelm – I’ll have to post pics of these to help trigger some memories.
I have this entire line and the Cyber Force Mega Heroes line. I loved these as a kid!
The articulation is limited but the sculpts and paint apps are pretty neat. They’re kind of like an upgraded version of GUTS. The Dredd figures actually have swivel shoulders, a swivel waist, and a swivel neck while most other figures have a mixture of limited joints.
@Barbecue17 – How many different sublines were there for the Mega Heroes brand? And Cyber Force? Wow!
Only Cyber Force and Judge Dredd.