2015 Marvel Legends Hulkbuster Advertisement

I own the 2005 Marvel Legends Hulk Buster action figure (review here), but by the time the 2015 “Build-A-Figure Hulkbuster was released my interest in Iron Man action figures had died down enough that I didn’t even try to collect the parts necessary to build the toy. If the figure had been released on its own I probably would have bought one, but I’m far from enough of an Avengers fan to jump through Hasbro’s hoops to build the figure.

Of course, that was then. In looking at this 2015 ad for the Hulkbuster action figure I find myself asking: How tough is it to find this toy these days?

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3 thoughts on “2015 Marvel Legends Hulkbuster Advertisement

  1. In my area (Kansas City Metro), none of the figures in this wave were difficult to find. Many ended up, covered in dust, on clearance piles last summer. I would imagine it wouldn’t take too much effort to hunt down the Hulkbuster, either piece-by-piece or all together.

  2. At this point your best bet may be ebay. These BAF (build a figure) figures tend to be rather difficult to complete when the wave is fresh in stores. Now that its been a while, the individual figures may be all but impossible to find on store shelves.

    There are also several other Hulkbusters to choose from (check amazon) that may scratch the itch and be more (or extremely less) cost efficient.

  3. This BAF was re-released in a kind of “Best of Avengers” wave over here in Australia for retailers like Target and Kmart, which is still lurking around. The original wave was quite a pain to find though — specialist sellers only.

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