Yotel Toy Car Quick Pics

Now this is amazing customer service and a company that knows how to engage with their guests. Yesterday afternoon, after a walk to Grand Central, I posted a tweet mentioning my hotel — the New York Yotel — and soon had a quick exchange with the Yotel staff on Twitter which included this message:


Roughly thirty minutes later I was chatting with Cari and Maysoon, the Yotel’s Director of Sales and Group Service Manager, and quickly found my feelings toward the Yotel greatly reinforced: This is a fantastic hotel and one I will always choose to stay at when visiting NYC. And the two clearly knew how to strengthen my love for their hotel when they gave me Yotel-branded toys. Hurray!

The custom Yotel Mini Cooper S by Corgi. You know you're in the right hotel when they have such an adorable toy car.
The custom Yotel Mini Cooper S by Corgi. You know you’re in the right hotel when they have such an adorable toy car.

This little Mini Cooper S was manufactured by Corgi and is a clean, well-crafted toy car that’s going on the shelf of toy cars once I get home. The tampo work is clean and clear, the shapes perfect, and the car has every bit as much of the heft and quality that we expect from a well-made die-cast auto. It may not have the speed of a Hot Wheels car, but it’s got the elegant and minimalist styling of the Yotel so I’m plenty happy.

On the left you can see the Yotel toy car in my room. Yes, purple lights are part of the design. On the right is the car in the bar/restaurant . . . which has great artwork on the walls.
On the left you can see the Yotel toy car in my room. Yes, purple lights are part of the design. On the right is the car in the bar/restaurant . . . which has great artwork on the walls.

Thank you, Cari and Maysoon, for taking the time out of your day to ask to chat with me. I’ll definitely be in touch about your event space and maybe we can work out something amazing for the future. And regardless of whether or not we can find a way to bring games into the ultra-swell Yotel I truly appreciate the thought you both put into asking to meet with me.

Racing down the carpeted hallway. Zoom! Vroom! Fun!
Racing down the carpeted hallway. Zoom! Vroom! Fun!

And everyone who works with customers, I suggest considering the impact this simple act by the Yotel staff has had on me. I was already praising the Yotel regularly — and I always suggest that Steve Jackson Games staff stay here when visiting the city — and now I’m only going to grow louder in voicing my recommendation that anyone visiting NYC stay at the Yotel.

Enjoy the pics!

I was already a pretty big fan of the Yotel -- this is my third year staying at the hotel for NYTF -- and this little toy car only strengthens my resolve to always stay at the Yotel.
I was already a pretty big fan of the Yotel — this is my third year staying at the hotel for NYTF — and this little toy car only strengthens my resolve to always stay at the Yotel.
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