Spotted Online – Transformers Legacy Review at TFormers

My copy of the Transformers Legacy* hardcover artbook arrived earlier this week, and the first thing I noticed was that the book is seriously packed. Page after page shows off the beautiful Transformers packaging artwork for the Generation One and Generation Two eras and I suggest all of you go buy a copy right now. This is likely to be the best Transformers artbook I ever find.


I haven’t taken time to write down my detailed thoughts on the book, but over at is this review that gives you a much better idea of what’s inside beyond “great art!” The review discusses each section of the book and I have to say that seeing the unused Generation Two packaging art makes me think we’re sure to see some of the third party Transformers manufacturers finding inspiration inside the book.

Transformers Legacy* isn’t perfect (I spotted a typo almost immediately on my first scan through the book), but it’s incredible and exactly what all of us who loved the packaging artwork of the eighties needed. Now to hope that we get more artbooks dedicated to toy packaging art!

2 thoughts on “Spotted Online – Transformers Legacy Review at TFormers

  1. The release date of this book kept getting moved back and my CC expired, so I canceled my pre-order. Now that I hear it’s out I came back here to make sure I used your link to order it, and what do you do? Have it as the top story on the homepage. Thanks for the convenience, Philip!

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