Custom – Cobra Commander Transformation
While at the Great Texas G.I. Joe Show this last weekend, Gina and I spotted this excellent custom Cobra Commander with the title “Wonssss a Maaan.” Created by Louis R. Simmons, this figure shows Cobra Commander in mid-transformation as he appeared in the animated G.I. Joe Movie.

While the animated movie is ignored by many fans, the custom job here shows a lot of skill with (I assume) Super Sculpey. Click on either one of the images for a larger version and take a look at the detail on the snake-like chest. Sure, it’s a little rough in places, but overall it’s very well done.
While I was there I snapped shots of some other cool stuff at the show and I’ll get those posted over the next few days. This was the only 3.75-inch custom that I saw at the show, though, so I wanted to get it up right away.
G.I. Joe: The Movie has enough goofy charm that I still love it to this day. Also, it has some great voice acting; my favorite being the late Burgess Meredith as Golobulus.
Great, now I have to pull out the DVD and watch it again. You sir are an enabler!
@De “You sir are an enabler!”
You’re the second person to tell me that today. 🙂 I must be doing something right.
I would love to see a cobra commander where you could take off his helmet (two peices helmet and face sheild)and see his face like on the movie with all the his eyes. i would so buy that.
@James – Are you talking about the new movie Cobra Commander or the animated movie from the eighties?
The new one from the new movie is just some scarred up ex 3rd Rock From The Sun cast member. The old cartoon movie character had a bunch of eyes on his head due to a mutation caused by exposure to these spores created in Cobra-La.