Heinz Ketchup Potato Chips

Yes, Heinz Ketchup potato chips. Seriously, guys, you can’t make up this sort of thing. What’s next, Heinz Ketchup-flavored Jones soda?

5 thoughts on “Heinz Ketchup Potato Chips

  1. I’m surprised Jones hasn’t done that already really. These oddly flavored potato chips throw me off, have you had the ones that taste like cheeseburgers? It’s weird man, they taste like McDonald’s cheeseburgers, but as a CHIP.

  2. I hear this sort of thing is popular in Canada. Personally, I don’t see the appeal, but I would definitely get some just to give them a try.

  3. They’ve sold these in NY for quite a few years now, at least 8 years so far. I’ve eaten them a few times & despite what they are, they don’t taste bad. It’s a little weird at first, but no different then eating really crispy french fries with ketchup.

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