Kenner’s 1980 Hoth Ice Planet Adventure Set Playset

I’ve decided that yesterday’s photo of the Hoth Ice Planet Adventure Set looked incomplete without a shot of the box. AND since I had the box . . . well, here it is. It’s a bit beaten and abused, but there’s definitely enough here to give you a sense of the overall box design. Looks pretty damn sweet to me.

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For even more fantastic fun with the Hoth Ice Planet Adventure Set playset you have got to check out these posts:

2 thoughts on “Kenner’s 1980 Hoth Ice Planet Adventure Set Playset

  1. I love the aesthetic Kenner had for their old SW line. It’s definitely a product of its time, but it shows a nice simplicity that’s all too rare in this day and age. Actually, Kenner had a lot of good design guys — those Super Powers cardbacks were great, too.

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