New Machine Robo (GoBots) Pics from Action Toys

Woah! The Machine Robo series from Action Toys looks incredible, and yesterday they posted pics to a new Facebook group. Fans of the GoBots (find at*) will want to check these out, and anyone who loves transforming robot toys needs to keep an eye on this upcoming series.

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The buzz I’ve seen states that these are the same size as Transformers Masterpiece Bumblebee* and will run about $50/each. If that’s true, and if the designs are as amazing in person as these pics look then I’ll have all four of them. This series looks fabulous!

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I was never a GoBots fan as a kid, but that hasn’t stopped me from recently discovering an appreciation for the line. For older GoBots toys you can see my handful of reviews:

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I will absolutely be keeping an eye on this new Facebook page, and hopefully we’ll see pre-orders open for these soon. At the very least that Battle Robo tank will be mine!

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