Review – Gort and Klaatu Retro Action Figures
During a conversation with Matt Doughty of Onell Design last week the subject of Funko’s ReAction Figures series ( search*) came up. I’m not sure what’s more astonishing to me — just how many figures have already been released or the small segment of collectors who seem angered by the toys — but the conversation soon turned to the new Gort and Klaatu Kenner-like figures.
And it was that conversation that was responsible for these two toys appearing on the site today. Let’s check them out!

As you can see, Gort and Klaatu (*, Entertainment Earth*) both come in the same blister. Yep, two Kenner-like action figures for $30, making these cost about 50% more than the Funko action figures. The grayscale artwork on the package is quite attractive, and I can totally see where a MOC collector would be happy displaying these sealed in their prison. But let me just rip this open and get into the real fun . . .

Towering! The silver robot Gort stands 5-inches tall, making him a menacing figure to add to any collection of Kenner-like retro action figures. The sculpt is perfect, feeling like it came straight out of the Kenner Star Wars Collection era of the late seventies and early eighties, more like those first few years of Star Wars figures than the more detailed sculpts of Return of the Jedi and Power of the Force. The figure is smooth and near-featureless, but that’s remarkably appropriate for the character and the silver coloring looks perfect.

With interchangeable heads, Klaatu can be displayed with either his helmet or his human face. As with Gort, the sculpt of the Klaatu figure is excellent. The significant difference between the two in terms of sculpting is that Klaatu has a lot of details. Check out the folds of the costume and click on the below image for a better look at the human face. Even more than Gort this figure sculpt feels like it could have been created by the Kenner toy designers, with the only real issues that I can see the pose — the toy should take a wider stance so it stands better — and the fact the toy stands over 4-inches tall. Klaatu is too tall to fit perfectly with the original Kenner Star Wars action figures!

Both Gort and Klaatu (*, Entertainment Earth*) feature the classic Kenner five-points of articulation with swivels at the shoulders, necks, and t-hips. What I found surprising, though, was the addition of swivels at the wrists! The two figures both have swivel hands — which allows them to take the classic movie pose of arm outstretched — and I honestly don’t feel the swivels were necessary here. It’s not a strike against the toys or anything, but this (combined with Klaatu’s height) makes these not quite perfect additions to the retro shelf.

Closing Thoughts
Gort and Klaatu (*, Entertainment Earth*) are just one more entry in a wave of Kenner-like action figures that continue to reach shelves. While I believe that Funko’s ReAction Figures series ( search*) are a better match for the Kenner-style of the late seventies, I cannot argue that these two action figures really do fit neatly into a group of such toys.

I cannot say that Gort and Klaatu (*, Entertainment Earth*) are perfect for those of us who grew up during the seventies and eighties, but for fans of The Day the Earth Stood Still and robot action figures Gort is a fun collectible. Klaatu ranks lower for me because of his stance and too-tall size, but as a pair they’re worth grabbing if you absolutely must have them.
Not the best of the current wave of retro toys, but that smooth and near-featureless Gort is very nicely crafted and fun.
Dunno why but there’s a Gort costume in the window of Grey Goose Framing here in Los Angeles, I pass by it quite often making Gort one of my favorite robots of all time (Of course Gort, Klatuu Barada Nikto).