Review – Hot Wheels Batmobile Affinity

Hot Wheels Batmobile Affinity* is one of a series of Batmobile toy cars that are in stores right now and with its twin red canopies and tail it’s a distinctive and fun design. And at just over a buck at Wal-Mart it was a fantastic deal . . . but what does it look like out of the package?

GREAT! Yep, this is one impressive Batmobile design and even though I can’t identify where it’s from (searches from “Batmobile Affinity” and “Batman Affininty” keep pointing me at this toy) I’m still very happy with the design and how it looks on the shelf with other Hot Wheels Batmobile toys. The long body style is one I often associate with Batmobiles and the twin canopies give it some of the feeling of the 1966 Batmobile design. Overall, an excellent Batmobile and one all fans should seek out.

Enjoy the Photos!
The Hot Wheels Batmobile Affinity* is exactly what you expect it to be: A well-crafted and executed toy car from a toy series that is larger than many realize and more fun than we sometimes remember. I love it — like I do all Batmobiles — and I’ll now take this opportunity to shut my trap and let you guys take a look at the pictures.

Philip Reed wants to see someone create a video showing a bunch of different Batmobile toys racing.
Hi Phil!
Just thought I’d let you know that you can pre-order that 1/6 Scale Super Alloy Batman that you were discussing over at BBTS. The pre-order’s at $269.99. Here is the link:
Hope that helps!
This car is an original design by mattel that has been out for a few years. You can see all the other versions here.
I own this same car in a flat black, chrome, gold color scheme; and hated it because of the colors used.
I picked this up last month and it’s amazing how much difference the colors make, as I love this version.
Yeah, its Mattels in house design, they used it for the 6″ scale Batmobile years ago too. The one that was recalled.