Review – Pop! Holidays Heat Miser and Snow Miser

Target had something kinda neat in their holiday display this Christmas, a small selection of Funko Pop! Holidays* vinyl toys for just $5/each. And even though their Pop! Ad Icons Franken Berry wasn’t the greatest toy ever (review here) at $5/each I just had to bring Heat Miser and Snow Miser home for Christmas . . . and here they are!

Classic Holiday Characters
Heat Miser (see Wikipedia) and Snow Miser (wee Wikipedia) both appeared in the The Year Without a Santa Claus*, one of the Rankin/Bass animated Christmas movies from the seventies. If you’re like me and grew up in the seventies and eighties then all of these animated films are classics to you; but anyone growing up today may just see them as old fashioned nonsense. Which they are, but they’re fun.

And these two classic characters turned out great as Pop! Holidays vinyl toys, with paintwork much neater/cleaner than the Pop! Ad Icons Franken Berry (review here) has. I’m starting to think that maybe Franken Berry was rushed to meet SDCC, because looking at this series in the stores the paint doesn’t seem anywhere near as sloppy as poor Franken Berry looks. And between the better paint and the $5 price tag at Target I’m starting to see this series as far cooler than I originally thought it was.

Great Christmas Decorations!
Gina and I set these two on the dining room table (along with some Christmas tree decorations) to create a centerpiece for today, and seeing them displayed makes me want to go to Target tomorrow and see if I can snag some of the other toys in the series at after Christmas prices. I won’t have these on display all year long, but I can say that they make fun Christmas decorations and will need to come out once each year to make the house just a little more festive.

Closing Thoughts
At $10 and with paint apps like the Pop! Ad Icons Franken Berry (review here) this series is one I would only grab a piece from occasionally, and only if it was a unique and fun character who doesn’t normally get toys, but if more releases in the line appear for $5 and with paint as nice as these two I can say I will grab more of them.
Heat Miser and Snow Miser are fun Christmas toys and if you don’t already have them I suggest getting out to your local Target and trying to find them before they’re gone. Because once these are no longer at Target I suspect you’ll have to pay $10 and up for each figure and while they’re neat, I’m not so sure if they’re neat enough to support the high prices they’re likely to demand as the toys vanish from store shelves.

Philip Reed is going to play games and eat too much food today. He hopes that all of you are doing the same and that you all have a Merry Christmas.
I’m sad your review doesn’t link to my decade-old Snow Miser site at