Review – Star Wars Jumbo Vintage Boba Fett

The entire Star Wars Jumbo Vintage series ( search*) has turned out to be far more fun than I ever imagined. By taking the classic Kenner Star Wars action figures from the seventies and eighties and enlarging them to 12-inch scale the geniuses at Gentle Giant are allowing all of us who were kids when Star Wars was new to relive our childhoods . . . at a much larger size! And today I’m snapping a few pics and sharing my thoughts on one of the greatest action figure characters of the 1980s with the Jumbo Vintage Boba Fett*.

Fire the Rocket!
Gentle Giant’s Jumbo Vintage Boba Fett* finally brings us the Kenner-styled Boba Fett with a spring-firing rocket backpack. The massive rocket doesn’t fire all that far, but the simple fact that Gentle Giant decided to spend the extra cash on the spring and rocket mechanism makes this one Boba Fett that classic Star Wars fans will want. It may just be the old toy at a larger size, but that rocket makes this one stand out just a little more than earlier releases in the line.

I’m Glad Not Everyone Wants This Series
In talking about the Star Wars Jumbo Vintage series ( search*) with other toy collectors it’s pretty clear to me that there are some who just do not like these toys. “These are,” they say, “just upsized and more expensive versions of the old Kenner action figures.” Exactly, and that’s why I’m loving this line so much. Those classic sculpts in a display-friendly size make me happy, and at the low numbers these are being produced I can’t imagine what would happen if there were a greater demand. The toys aren’t for everyone, but they’re definitely for me.

Closing Thoughts
This Jumbo Vintage Boba Fett* looks cool on my shelf and stands proudly next to a few Stormtrooper action figures. I will probably be designing a shelf for this series in the bedroom — especially as more of the classic Empire Strikes Back bounty hunters are released in this line — and the best I can say to all of you is: Go buy this right now if you like how he looks.
This figure is what it looks like: a classic toy in a larger size. No more, no less, but that’s enough for me. I can’t wait to see what Gentle Giant offers for this line at SDCC; maybe they’ll bring us the old cardboard Cloud City playset sized for these action figures. That would be fantastic, right?

I love the spring firing backpack gimmick, very astute of GG hehe.
You hit it right on the head though Phil, this line is deffinatly not for everyone (myself included) but good to see there’s enough interest to keep the line going for those that do.
I’ve recently refocused my collecting on the vintage Star Wars figures the I had as a kid (in large part because there’s not a lot of new 3 3/4″ figures grabbing my attention right now) & would absolutely love to get into these. Unfortunately, the price keeps me away.
@Court – I’ll admit it’s a weird idea for a product line. But holding these in my hands makes me really appreciate them; nicely done by Gentle Giant and they look great displayed in a group.
@Other Jay – Though pricey, I do suggest picking one or two of these. Especially if you’re collecting vintage Star Wars figures because just one or two from this line would make nice display pieces with your vintage collection.
I agree that these are great. The price is high but they are great looking figures. I have the Blue Snaggletooth and now this Boba Fett is on it’s way and should be here tomorrow. The one I have really stands out and I’m sure this one will too.
@T-Rav – The red Snaggletooth arrived and I need to rip him open so he can hang with blue. And Hammerhead and Walrus Man are expected here any day now; all of the cantina aliens are mine!
Producing more at a lower price point would have worked fine. While being really neat the toys are already designed and have no high end features or complexity. The fact that hasbro is spitting out newly designed 5 point 12″ figures for $10 isn’t helping either. In a climate where figures are constantly being made with more sophisticated features only to be obsolete within a year. Some collectors are so caught up in it that they will call a classic figures obsolete. They sound adrift of nostalgia. It’s great to see the charm of these toys created at a higher resolution but the price simply has me buying other stuff instead.
@Openchallenge – I have no idea how Gentle Giant went about setting the initial runs and pricing. This is really another one of those areas where crowdfunding — like Kickstarter — would have benefited the entire line.
And yeah, those Hasbro 12″ figures are pretty damned cool. I hope those are selling well enough that we get more.
My Boba Fett arrived today and it seriously might be my new favorite thing. I’ve got a cramped collection room as it is but I want more of these. I may just have to sell off some stuff for some space.
@T-Rav – This week my Hammerhead and Walrus Man arrived. I now need to find room to open and setup the Cantina playset that Gentle Giant released; my Cantina aliens need a home! And yeah, I totally get what you mean about space and how much room these eat up.