Review – Transformers Generations Jhiaxus
If we look past the problems with color choices, Hasbro’s Transformers Generations Jhiaxus* is actually a great little Transformers toy with a fun transformation design, poseable joints, and a sleek spacefighter appearance that makes this stand out as clearly different from the Transformers Generations Armada Starscream*. The two may come from a common core, but the changes to Jhiaxus are enough to make this its own thing.

Jet Mode
The spacefighter design of Transformers Generations Jhiaxus* isn’t a match for the Transformers Generation Two version of the character (see the TFWiki), but at least it’s still a Cybertronian fighter of sorts. Those huge turbines/missile launchers are a little much, but overall the compact design works well and looks good. But those colors!!!

In Transformers Generation Two we were introduced to Jhiaxus, a Cybertronian warlord with more of an interest in expansion and empire building than any care for the battle between the Autobots and Decepticons. The character looked awesome, played a major role in the Transformers Generation Two comics, and — as the TFWiki shows — was not orange and gray. Earlier this month I linked to a custom take on this mold (posted here) that showed how different choices in coloring could have made this toy look like the Generation Two character . . . and I’m still holding out hope that someone will produce a repaint of this design in the proper colors.

Robot Mode
The Transformers Generations Jhiaxus* stands 5-inches tall (to the top of his head; the jets stick up a little higher) and looks fantastic (I am ignoring the colors). The sculpt’s angular and mean, and that Jhiaxus head sculpt is a great interpretation of the comic version of the character.

And the sculpt is enhanced by fairly decent articulation with:
- Head – Ball-jointed neck.
- Torso – No articulation at all. A swivel waist would have been nice.
- Arms – Swivel shoulders, swivel biceps, and hinged elbows. The hands swing inward for transformation, but there’s no wrist swivels or articulation beyond what’s needed for transformation.
- Legs – Ball-jointed hips, swivel thighs, hinged knees, and ankle hinges that are a part of the transformation process.
So I can say the Jhiaxus* has fewer points of articulation than earlier Deluxe-sized toys but still has enough to be completely playable. And since the transformation works so smoothly I’ll be happy with fewer points of articulation; it feels like the more a Transformers toy is articulated the tougher the transformation gets to be.

Closing Thoughts
Hasbro’s Transformers Generations Jhiaxus* is by no means perfect, but ultimately my complaints hinge more on the choice of colors than the design of the toy itself. Takara, Hasbro, or even FunPub could come back and present us with a Transformers Generation Two-inspired repaint of this toy and I would snatch it right up. Seriously, in the end all of my issues are the colors Hasbro chose so if you like the orange/gray look then I think you’ll be very happy with the toy.

Spotted him at TRU last night, surprisingly. The colors are terrible, otherwise it looks like it’s a great figure!
@PrfktTear – I’m still hoping for a repaint in the G2 colors. (Please, Hasbro!)