Unofficial “War for Cybertron” Shockwave
Titled “Military Commander,” this new third-party Transformers toy is now up for pre-order at Big Bad Toy Store and it is absolutely inspired by the Transformers: War for Cybertron Shockwave character design. I still miss the old “space cannon” alt mode of the original Shockwave, but this starship mode is also pretty sweet. Looks like it may be a great take on the Shockwave design, and it looks like it may need to join my shelf of Shockwave toys.

The SC-03 Military Commander comes armed with a large arm cannon and transforms into a space travelling vehicle. This figure also features several translucent pieces for added effect.

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I wasn’t a big fan of that WFC Shockwave… it wasn’t really that great of a toy to begin with. I’m not sure why they’re just copying it here. My $0.02.