10 Most Dangerous Toys of 1984
The November 29, 1984 issue of The Deseret News included this AP article titled “Attorney gives his annual list of 10 most dangerous toys.” Edward Swartz, author of Toys That Kill*, wrote these annual lists for years and was considered a watchdog overseeing the toy industry and fighting for safety. I was certain that I had a copy of his book, but now that I check the shelves I cannot find it. That’s annoying.

The 1984 list included a toyline called Bloodsuckers from Marchon (makers of the Road Bots line I like too much), something called “missile tank,” and even the LJN Dungeons & Dragons toys. Why did those D&D toys make the list? Because the spear was too sharp.
You’ll poke your eye out, kid!
If you wanna know more about the Bloodsuckers toys see this Retroist post. I do not remember those at all.

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- 1983 Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Melf Action Figure Packaged (battlegrip.com)
- Spotted Online – Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Picture Transfers (battlegrip.com)
- “Enter the Gateway to Adventure” (battlegrip.com)
I remember Bloodsuckers. My friends all wanted them, but I was focused on action figures by then.
Surprised Johnny Switchblade and Bag O Glass didn’t make the cut, what a different time we live in.