G.I. Joe Mech Suits
I mentioned these upcoming G.I. Joe Mech Suits a few months ago (mentioned here) and I’m still not sure what I think of them. I could see myself buying that Cobra Deviant if I spot it at the right time, but it still feels a little out-of-place for what I think of when I think of G.I. Joe. Those less torn on whether or not they want these new toys will be happy to know that they’re up for pre-order at Entertainment Earth.*

“A few years ago, experimental mechs were used in some secret campaigns between the forces of G.I. Joe and Cobra. and next year’s models are here now! Be sure to bring home the robust G.I. Joe Pursuit of Cobra Mech Suit Vehicles Wave 1 that brings you two 3 3/4-inch warriors, complete with gargantuan battle suits. Firing weapons and huge armor make these some of the finest vehicles ever. Don’t miss them!”
*Affiliate link: Orders using this link earn battlegrip.com cash, which is applied to buying toys.
Exo-Squad much?
@Xian – They are very Exo-Squad-like in appearance. That’s not bad, though. I like the Exo-Squad E-Frame designs.
I am always weary of mechs in the GI Joe universe, but this time they might finally be on to something. They look someone jointed, and have some features that may actually be fun to play with. They at least look more fun than the Avatar Mechs.
<3 Exo-Squad. Just might have to pick one up for the sake of it.