1978 Spider-Man Motorcycle and Marx’s Wiz Wheel Riding Toy
I had a Batman motorcycle toy when I was a kid — I wanna say I got it for my fourth birthday in 1976, but I could be wrong — so that was all the riding toy I needed when I was really young. That’s not to say that I would have rejected the Spider-Man motorcycle in this newspaper ad, though, because it would have been amazing to have had both Batman and Spider-Man riding toys at that age.

But what I really want to direct you to in the ad is this bizarre Marx Wiz Wheel riding toy. I do not remember that toy, and the newspaper ad image was so strange that I set off in search of more information. I found a JCPenny catalog block for the toy (below), but what I’d most like to see is a video of this thing in action. How did I miss this and, more importantly, how is this not being sold today? That looks insane!