1978 Store Shelves Loaded with Star Wars . . . and look at the floor!!!

This Deseret News article, written by Kathryn Clayton, is awesome all on its own, but it is the photo with the article that is most exciting for us today. A store employee stocking the shelves with Star Wars toys takes center stage, and just look at all of that vintage goodness waiting for kids to make Christmas wonderful!

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And if we look at the floor we find something truly fun: Milton Bradley’s StarBird toy piled up! Including the StarBird toys on the top shelf there are at least a dozen of them at the store; I wish I would have known enough to take photos of store displays in the seventies and eighties. We just don’t see stores stocking toys this deep today. The article’s fun, but it’s the photo that’s the real treat in this 1978 newspaper.

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