1979 Fisher-Price Adventure People Action Sets Ad
In the seventies and eighties Fisher-Price (Amazon.com search*) offered their Adventure People action figures, creating dozens of cool sets that were completely playable with Kenner’s Star Wars action figures. How many of us used the Firestar 1 toy (old ad posted here) with our Kenner figures? I know I’m not alone when I say these got great use back when I was a kid.
Well, for all of us who remember these toys I offer up this 1979 newspaper ad. At $4/each those old Action Sets were a fantastic bargain.

Related articles
- 1979 Montreal Gazette Star Wars Advertisment (battlegrip.com)
- 1980 Newspaper Ad Featuring Fisher-Price Adventure People (battlegrip.com)
- Spotted Online – Adventure People Firestar 1 Video Review (battlegrip.com)