1982 Blade Runner Magazine Advertisement from Heavy Metal
If you were reading Heavy Metal magazine in 1982 then there’s a chance you’ve seen this advertisement before. The Blade Runner film (Amazon.com search*) may be a cult classic today, but back when it was new it didn’t have quite the reception the filmmakers and studio were looking for. I’m left wondering if Heavy Metal arranged to produce this magazine before or after the movie was in theaters; did they know what they were getting into, or was there some dream this would sell on the level of Star Wars?
Regardless of what happened then, seeing the ad now has me wondering just what things look like inside the magazine. Do any of you have a copy of this?

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- Blade Runner, photography and predicting the future (atmtxphoto.com)
- Parker Brothers’ Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back Video Game Ad (battlegrip.com)
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I think this still happens today. We have a Kinokuniya store in Sydney (think “Japanese B&N” and you should have a rough picture). Every time I go past their movie section I seem to see a “Making of…” or the “Art of…” book of some attempted blockbuster that didn’t quite make it. You can’t help but think “Who would want that?”, especially if it’s been a year or two since it was released.