1982 Christian Science Monitor Article on Strawberry Shortcake
The February 6, 1982, issue of The Deseret News shares with us this Christian Science Monitor article by Wend Gristmacher in which Strawberry Shortcake is described as:
” . . . one of the biggest sensations ever to hit the shelves of toy stores around the country — if they ever stay on the shelves. Most major stores, including Macy’s, Toys ‘R’ Us, Child World, and Children’s Palace, report the dolls are gone 20 minutes after the shelves are stocked.”
Strawberry Shortcake (Amazon.com search*) has never reached the popularity level it enjoyed at launch in the early eighties and seeing articles like this one drives home just how much effort Kenner and American Greeting put into promoting the brand. That’s not to say that Strawberry Shortcake isn’t popular today — the Facebook page has over 2 million likes — but the characters just aren’t as hot today as they were back then.

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