1982 He-Man Mini-Comic Toy Ad
Out of the 1982 He-Man Meets Ram-Man mini-comic book (which you can see at he-man.org or the Dark Horse He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Minicomic Collection*) comes this two-page spread designed to sell more toys to kids. I’ve no complaints at all about this, and looking at this ad makes me wish we would see Mattel and Hasbro packing mini-comics into all of their toys today. The line art is wonderful; hmmmm, I suspect if we dig we can find that these same illustrations were used for newspaper ads.

Related articles
- Spotted Online – Preview the He-Man Mini-Comic Collection (battlegrip.com)
- Art of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Book Review (thefwoosh.com)
- He-Man Mini-Comic Collection On the Way! (battlegrip.com)
I recently got the MOTU Minicomic Collection and the one thing that I think is missing is the cross sell art featuring the figures. I realize they probably had to cut it due to space and maybe they just figured it wasn’t necessary, but on the few mini comics I owned as a kid, I always loved reading the comics and then looking at the toys on back!
If it wasn’t for the cross sell art on the back of the minicomics, I wouldn’t have even known Scareglow and Snake Face even existed! Not to mention Flying Fists He-Man and Terror Claws Skeletor!