1984 Reviresco Miniatures Ad Featuring the Ralnai Scout Walker and a Regrettable Decision

I was flipping through a 1984 issue of Different Worlds magazine when I happened across a miniatures advertisement that makes a fabulous companion to this 1985 “Warbots & Death Machines” ad. For those of you who don’t remember that earlier-posted advertisement, the Warbots & Death Machines game include a mecha that comes straight out of Star Wars.

Having seen one mid-eighties game using a Star Wars knock-off design, the instant I saw this Reviresco Miniatures ad for the Ralnai Scout Walker miniature I knew I had to share. And, a very bit of searching revealed that you can still buy the miniature. You’re welcome, AT-ST fans who love “inspired by” Star Wars items!

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On the “Regrettable Decision” front, I almost didn’t share this advertisement because of the other miniatures promoted in the ad block. It is unfortunate that someone thought that this was an appropriate miniatures set to create, and even more that they decided to pair it with the Ralnai Scout Walker miniature ad, but I ultimately decided to let history stand for itself. I’d rather not obscure a fun robot gaming mini because of someone’s bad decision over three decades ago.