1985 “Galactic Man Space Robot” at Radio Shack (AKA Shackwave) Advertisement

I’ve won the internet, kids! How else would you explain discovering this 1985 newspaper ad for Radio Shack that features the well-loved “Shackwave” toy? You’re not familiar with “Shackwave?” Well, the toy was Radio Shack’s offering of what Hasbro used as their Transformers Shockwave toy back in 1985, and locating this ad feels like a real win since it’s one I’ve run searches for again and again. Of course I didn’t find it until I stopped looking; those Google newspaper archives just aren’t all that well indexed.

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4 thoughts on “1985 “Galactic Man Space Robot” at Radio Shack (AKA Shackwave) Advertisement

  1. Oh wow! So had Radio Shack just licensed the mould or something? When I first saw this pop up I assumed it was some kind of bootleg from the 80s, but it looks a bit more legitimate now.

    1. @Wolf – Exactly. The tooling was used by a few different companies back in the eighties. I want to find a Radio Shack commercial with this toy, but one may not exist.

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