1986 Mekton RPG Advertisement
R. Talsorian’s Mekton roleplaying game (find at Amazon.com*) has found its way to battlegrip.com before, but this particular ad stands out in my mind as a bit of an oddity since the robot design is so very late seventies Japanese anime in style. In the other Mekton ads I’ve posted the robots strike me as inspired more by the eighties than the seventies, and looking at this old ad again reminds me that I really should chase down some of the original Mekton books.

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- “Master Your Mecha!” (battlegrip.com)
- 1989 “Hardwired” Ad for the Cyberpunk Roleplaying Game (battlegrip.com)
- 1995 Mekton Zeta RPG Advertisement (battlegrip.com)