1986 Star Wars Droids Series Ad

Scanned from the inside back cover of one of the older G.I. Joe comics in our collection here at home, this Droids ad for the comic book features fun artwork . . . and a nasty stain. Yeah, that comic got soaked years ago. It happens.

The entire Droids series from the mid-eighties is often abused, but I feel this comic book ad from 1986 shows just how much fun the creators were having at the time. Click to enlarge image.
The entire Droids series from the mid-eighties is often abused, but I feel this comic book ad from 1986 shows just how much fun the creators were having at the time. Click to enlarge image.
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2 thoughts on “1986 Star Wars Droids Series Ad

  1. Just watched some Star Wars Droids this past weekend with my 3-year-old son to celebrate Star Wars Day. Probably not the greatest animated show, but he enjoyed them.

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