1987 Robotech RPG Advertisement
Over thirty years after the game was first published, Palladium’s original Robotech roleplaying game (find at Amazon.com*) is one of those works of art that we still remember and hold in a special place. Many are anti-Palladium when it comes to rules writing and presentation, but it is tough to deny that the company — and especially the Robotech game — weren’t important to the late eighties roleplaying game hobby. So many fantastic works!

The above 1987 ad, from an issue of the always-enjoyable Dragon magazine, makes a fantastic companion to the 1986 ad that we saw last year. Seeing this ad proclaiming the then-new fourth book in the series really makes you stop and appreciate just how far Palladium took the game; there were almost a dozen books in the series by the close of the decade.