1988 G.I. Joe Cobra Imp – Freshly Opened!
This afternoon’s fun is opening and assembling the 1988 G.I. Joe Cobra Imp vehicle. Gorgeous box art, as always in the eighties, and the vehicle’s all set to be snapped together and decorated with stickers. Expect to see this make it onto battlegrip.com as a review; I’m snapping pics of the toy and can happily report that the piece is as nifty as I remember all of the classic eighties G.I. Joe vehicles.

While you wait for me to stop playing with the toy and share I suggest checking out the yojoe.com Cobra Imp page. Packaging and toy pics, information, and the strange line:
“This was the only usage of the Imp mold.”
Seriously, Hasbro? How have you let this awesome little missile tank stay off toy shelves for a quarter of a century? Maybe the tooling is destroyed and no longer useable, or maybe it’s lost and Hasbro employees have searched everywhere in China but cannot find the steel molds. Or, maybe if we’re lucky, Hasbro has something special planned and we’ll see the Cobra Imp once again. But I doubt it.
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