1989 Transformers Headmasters Newspaper Ad
Hasbro’s Transformers: Titans Return toyline (find at Amazon.com*) is a blast! These new toys bring the Headmasters back to store shelves, and so far the three toys in the line that I’ve reviewed — Nightbeat review here, Loudmouth review here, and Hardhead review here — have been the most playable Hasbro Transformers toys I’ve seen in years. A fantastic series!
BUT, sometimes it is fun to look back and see where today’s toys started. And that’s where this 1989 newspaper ad comes into play. Headmasters on sale for only $4.99/each!

Related articles
- Third-Party Transformers: Titans Return from Hephaistos Works (battlegrip.com)
- Transformers Headmasters and Targetmasters in 1987 (battlegrip.com)
- 1985 “Win a Transformer from Pepsi-Cola” Newspaper Ad (battlegrip.com)