1990 Cyberspace RPG Advertisement
When you think of cyberpunk roleplaying games of the eighties and nineties, I suspect the first games that come to mind are Cyberpunk 2020* and Shadowrun*, the two big hitters of the time. There were other cyberpunk roleplaying games back then, though, as proven by this 1990 advertisement for Iron Crown’s Cyberspace RPG (shown at Amazon.com*).

Cool ad, but what I find most enjoyable about this ad from an issue of Dragon magazine is that it is for both the game series and the Virgin Game Centres in the UK. Yes, there was a time when one of Richard Branson’s businesses was focused on selling roleplaying games. Crazy stuff, but it turns out Branson’s empire started with a magazine, a fact I only recently learned in an episode of NPR’s How I Built This podcast. Totally worth listening to!
Related articles
- “New Challenges Await You at Waldenbooks!” (battlegrip.com)
- 1989 “Hardwired” Ad for the Cyberpunk Roleplaying Game (battlegrip.com)
- Listening to “Cyberpunk” by JK/47 (battlegrip.com)
The Interwebs tell me Cyberspace was based on ICE’s Spacemaster rules, which makes me think I need to check them BOTH out as soon as this weekend’s game con is over. I wonder if they are compatible so you can neuromance in space….
The list of things to look at and do once my time frees up is getting LONG.
I’m not complaining!