1994 Star Wars Galaxy Series 2 Ad Card
After I posted about Topps’ 1993 Star Wars Galaxy trading cards last week (right here) Gina told me that she was pretty sure we had the cards somewhere in the house. Well, she was right and she pulled out a binder loaded with almost a complete set of the first series. Now I have to figure out which cards are missing and track them down . . . hopefully that’s not difficult or expensive to do.
![Enlarge Image!](https://www.battlegrip.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/swg01-450x637.jpg)
And hiding inside the binder of cards was this large ad card for the second series of the Star Wars Galaxy trading cards. Topps has since gone on to produce many Star Wars trading card sets (Amazon.com search*), but seeing this ad card takes me back to a time before the prequel movies and before Star Wars was out of control. And look at that Jae Lee card!
Anyway, enjoy the front and back of this ad card. I’m not completely sure what magazine this came from, but the torn edge and my rusty memory tell me that this came out of some magazine. I miss magazines . . . yeah, that’s a discussion we don’t have time for today.
![Enlarge Photo!](https://www.battlegrip.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/swg02-450x637.jpg)
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- Tracking Down the Star Wars Galaxy Magazine (battlegrip.com)
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there was always a good chance of having one of these promo cards in the Diamond Previews catalogue back in the days.
Yup, pretty sure that was from Previews. And there’s a METRIC TON of promos and extras from those Galaxy sets. Good luck@!