1997 BattleTech: Counterstrike Trading Card Game Booster Pack
After ripping open a Mechwarrior pack I thought it might be fun to pop open another booster. This Counterstrike expansion for the BattleTech trading card game (Amazon.com search*) is also from 1997, and seeing these cards reminds me of when I was playing the game back during its release.
The art on these cards is fantastic. It’s too bad that there was never an artbook published for the BattleTech trading card game (Amazon.com search*) or I would totally own one right now. There’s the BattleTech: 25 Years of Art & Fiction* (reading post here), but that’s not quite the same thing.
Related articles
- 1996 BattleTech Trading Card Game “First Game Guide” (battlegrip.com)
- 1997 Newspaper Ad for Funtastic Cards (battlegrip.com)