1997 BattleTech: Counterstrike Trading Card Game Booster Pack Designs
The Wizards of the Coast BattleTech trading card game (find at Amazon.com*) of the nineties remains one of the few CCGs from that time to hold its value. The cards are getting tougher and tougher to find, and sealed boosters and booster displays were scarce at Gen Con last week; I saw only two displays for sale . . . and bought them both!
Yesterday, I posted the five different Mechwarrior expansion booster designs (here), and now it is time to share the five Counterstrike booster designs. The artwork for the game is as phenomenal today as it was twenty years ago, and I hope that seeing these packs trigger some happy memories for those of you who were playing the game back when it was new.

I remember first seeing this game sitting next to DoomTroopers at my FLGS back then. I went with DT because I had several friends playing it at the time.
I’ve always wanted to try the BattleTech if I could find the cards(and the time)…
@Christopher H. – Both were fun games, though I think BattleTech lasted a bit longer in stores. Hmmmm. Now I am wondering where those Doom Trooper cards are hiding in the closet . . .