1997 BattleTech: Mercenaries Trading Card Game Booster Pack
Back in 2015, I posted a quick peek at two different boosters for the 1996 Wizards of the Coast BattleTech trading card game (Mechwarrior pack and Counterstrike pack). The game holds up as one of the best collectible card games of the nineties, and even today the boosters and starters sell for much more than many of the CCGs that were produced two decades ago.

Above you can see the cards I pulled when opening a Mercenaries booster pack. I am not yet reacquainted enough with the game to identify the rarest card in this pack, but I am again reading through the rules and preparing to construct a few different decks to take along on vacation later this month. I honestly don’t actually need to open any packs to play — I still have my collection from when the game was new — but I wanted the fun of ripping open a pack before heading off to the office . . . so I hope you enjoy seeing what I found in a newly-opened pack!