2000 AD Booth at San Diego Comic Con

I avoided the really ridiculous areas of the San Diego Comic Con exhibit hall yesterday. Hasbro. Mattel. Star Wars. These were not places to go; the crowds were disorganized and the convention seemed less prepared than usual for the mass of people. Convention exclusives? They’re not worth wading into that chaos.

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So I wandered around a little and visited some reasonably organized and friendly parts of the show, including the 2000 AD booth. Jock’s Ava Evolved concept art book (first mentioned here) — an over-sized art book featuring Jock’s work on Ex Machina* — looked fantastic up close and I am happy I pre-ordered online. Carrying that book home would have definitely resulted in damage to the book and a bunch of crying on my side. I can wait another month to get this.

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It wouldn’t have felt right to left without buying something from the 2000 AD staff, though, so I snagged a couple of trade paperbacks and was quite happy to see the booth was steady without being overwhelming. It’s a shame that a comic book publisher at Comic Con wasn’t getting the rush of business that toy and movie booths were, but I guess that’s why SDCC often leaves me asking: “Where are the comics?!?!?!”

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