2004 Chronicles of Riddick “Escape from Butcher Bay” Ad
Hey, blame that unofficial Riddick action figure for this one. This 2004 advertisement for the Escape from Butcher Bay* comes straight from Google’s online archives, this time from the June, 2004 issue of Spin Magazine.
I can kinda remember playing the demo of this game over a decade ago, but if my memories are correct I also remember being a little sad that the game wasn’t all that great. At least I didn’t find it all that great; this ad clearly tells us something different.

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I remember liking the game. I can’t remember much about it but I remember it looking wonderful and being a little different than a typical first person shooter.
@T-Rav – There was a sci-fi game in which you played a bounty hunter at about the same time this was released. I wish I could remember the name of that game.