2006 DC Superheroes Advertisement: “City’s safe. All in a night’s work.”
The precursor to Mattel’s DC Universe Classics action figure series (find at Amazon.com*), the DC Superheroes line actually shared a lot more with the later toyline than you may first think. The DC Superheroes Wikipedia page does a pretty good job of breaking down reuse across the two lines, showing that seven different figures found their way from one line to the other.

The above ToyFare magazine advertisement shows us both Robin and Batman, two figures that must exist in every DC action figure line that ever exists. And if that Batman looks familiar, it may be because you’ve been reading battlegrip.com a very long time and remember the review I posted in 2011. Great memory! (Or, if you don’t remember the review, here’s your chance to see pics and read my thoughts on a toy that’s now eleven years old.)