2006 Star Wars Titanium Series Boba Fett Advertisement
Hasbro’s series of Titanium Star Wars toys (find at Amazon.com*) stretches back over a decade, as we see in this 2006 ToyFare magazine ad for the Boba Fett action figure in the line. The ad is kinda meh, to be honest, which seems to fit the general impression I have of the Titanium line itself. We’ve got a few of the spaceships from this line in the collection, but there are none of the figures so I have no direct experiences with this Boba Fett or the similar toys. That said, there’s nothing here that makes me want to rush out and buy any of the toys . . . unlike the Unleashed advertisements (IG-88, Clone Trooper, Chewbacca) which do make me want to track down the toys.