“30% off all Voltron, Transformers, Mask and Wheeled Warriors.”
This December 13, 1985, JC Penny newspaper ad should grab your attention once you see all of the fantastic eighties toys for sale in one place. Wheeled Warriors is one of those old lines that I never got all that into at the time. Why? I’ve no idea. Just too many fantastic action figure lines were on the market at the same time back in the eighties. We certainly don’t have that problem these days; when was the last time Mattel and Hasbro both had strong toylines that were competing for television mindspace and retail shelf space?

Related articles
- Spotted Online – Wheeled Warriors Video Guide by RetroBlasting (battlegrip.com)
- August, 1997 Kiplinger’s Personal Finance on Mattel and Hasbro (battlegrip.com)
- 1982 Sears Newspaper Advertisement Featuring G.I. Joe Action Figures (battlegrip.com)