3AVOX, the 3A Toys Newsletter
3A Toys has been one of those companies that has been tough for me to follow, if only because the toys look amazing but the lack of communication, shipping delays, and the fragile nature of a lot of the releases leaves me conflicted. I want the company to succeed, because the toys really do look incredible, but over the last year I’ve ordered fewer and fewer toys from them because it grows tiring to spend money and then wait four, five, or six months for a delivery.

Well, 3A has listened to fans and is going to start sending weekly updates as the 3AVOX newsletter. Since I’ve asked for a 3A Toys newsletter in the past (see “Are We Witnessing the Death of 3A Toys?”) I’m happy to see that they’ve finally taken a step toward better communication with customers. In the past it has been random info spread around the web — 3A champion Gimbat has done a remarkable job of trying to collect the news — and some of us just don’t have time to read every forum post. Now we’ll get updates in e-mail; which is awesome, since I can follow along without being forced to track down info.

Thanks, 3A, for the newsletter! This is going to go a long way toward reviving my interest in the various World War Robot* toys and I hope that each issue gives us more accurate info on when we can expect our pre-ordered toys to arrive.
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