$78.35 for a Toygraph Gunhead Glow-in-the-Dark Vinyl Toy
Usually it’s the evil, evil toybot studios that alerts me to more Toygraph toys that I don’t need . . . but really, really want. But today Kaiju Chronicle is back and it’s time for me to gouge out my eyes and chop off my fingers. After all, I’ve gotta protect myself from my own insanity. And the awesomeness of this toy.
This is similar to the K.I. Creature on Flying Saucer toy we looked at a few months ago (mentioned here) and every bit as dangerous.
And I do have one Space Trooper toy now. Matt Doughty (Onell Design) continued his generous method of twisting me and taunting me by throwing a Space Trooper in the box with my Glyos Custom Corps order. Man, between Pheyaos (review here) and this Space Trooper Matt is going to have me collecting Japanese vinyl toys before the end of the year.
Hey, would anyone like to see a review of the Space Trooper toy that I’ve got?
Source: Kaiju Chronicle.
Very interested in a Space Trooper review, I’ve been really curious about these but haven’t picked one up yet.