Spotted Online – Custom Masters of the Universe He-Bones Action Figure

Masters of the Universe and zombie fans, feast your eyes on eBay auction for a customized “He-Bones” action figure.

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“After a ton emails, fans were calling for Zombie style MOTUC He-ro. So I changed him up a bit from the Zombie Style Heman. Recipe is Webstor’s Body, He-ro’s head with Scareglows mouth impressions. But this Zombie comes with a special item, his very own viewing globe.”

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The auction ends on December 14th, so if you want him act fast. Or you can just sit back and enjoy the photos of this wickedly evil He-Ro custom action figure.

Source: ActionFigurePics.

2 thoughts on “Spotted Online – Custom Masters of the Universe He-Bones Action Figure

  1. Wow… He-Bones looks great! This guy does great custom work! I love that table with the viewing glove in the pic with He-Bones, Scareglow, and He-RO. I wonder if thats a custom job too…

  2. @PrfktTear – I know what you mean. The He-Bones looks great, but I think I want that table more than I do the figure.

    The bid’s currently at $53, which isn’t bad (especially when you think of how much some of the basic figures from this series have sold for on eBay).

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