Custard4gravy’s Custom DesertStorm Bamba

Do you remember Custard4gravy’s (blog, Twitter) last custom Ashley Wood Bambaboss toy, Cloud9 (mentioned here)? As cool as that toy was, this latest custom escalates the awesome and challenges every toy artist out there to reach the level of cool displayed in this new DesertStorm Bamba.

Click to visit Flickr.
Click to visit Flickr.

Great work! The heavy weathering effects look great, and I love the stylized cow skull design on the toy’s belly. And did he scratch/cut into the plastic in some places to add the rust effects? It sure looks like it. Very nice work and a lucky toy fan out there now has a beautiful work of art in his collection.

Click to visit Flickr.

For another look at the Bambaboss DIY toy check out my review.

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