Pheyaos Man Available Tomorrow!

He’s in the US, folks. The Real X Head/Onell Design Pheyaos Man toy launches at noon eastern on Friday, March 5th. That’s tomorrow!

Click to visit the Glyos Transmission Web Log.

Looks awesome, and a great companion to Pheyaos (review here). And $60 is an excellent price for a limited vinyl toy at this size. There are going to be a very few lucky people tomorrow at about 12:01.

Click to visit the Glyos Transmission Web Log.

3 thoughts on “Pheyaos Man Available Tomorrow!

  1. @Ben – Now you, Ben? Is the whole world working against me? I’ve got to stick to my decision and comfort myself with knowing that my Super Shogun Stormtrooper is in the mail and should reach me soon.

  2. I’m pretty sure the Stormtrooper shipping thing was actually just a hiccup from how their computer system operates… check out the thread about it on Skullbrain, but I’m pretty sure you’ve still gotta wait.

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