May is Gonna Suck for Masters of the Universe Classics

So I want an Optikk in May (mentioned here) . . . me and thousands of other nerds out there who love monstrous aliens with giant eyes for heads. Well, as if things weren’t bad enough at Matty Collector, and it’s pretty bad, someone over there decided to launch another non-subscription figure in May.

Click to visit Matty Collector.

I don’t care at all about Tytus as a toy — if he was a giant monster I could get excited — but what I do care about is how this toy is going to screw the entire launch day for Optikk. It’s over two months until the launch but we can already see the incoming pain as fans race to buy just one Tytus before the dirty scalpers swoop in and clear out the stock.

How about it, Matty, can we get a change to the order limits?