Jesse DeStasio’s Mocca Toys

Wicked artist and customizer Jesse DeStasio (website, Twitter) has posted information on the toys he’ll have available at MoCCA Fest next weekend.

Click to visit Jesse's website.

A huge number of Glyos System (Onell Design) custom toys, including the Secret Chesters (mentioned here), a joint project with Trevor Zammit, will be for sale. Unsold goodies will be offered online after the event.

Click to visit Jesse's website.

Source: October Toys forum.

6 thoughts on “Jesse DeStasio’s Mocca Toys

  1. I don’t understand projects like this… I understand that the Glyos toys are designed to be customized in any way you can imagine, but these just look kinda lazy and half-finished. I mean, if you are going to make a set of customs to sell and show off as something of an accomplishment, it seems like you’d want to /try/ a little harder… maybe I’m just spoiled by the kind of quality that Matt and the Japanese companies I support strive for.

  2. With all do respect Ben, I think you are just a different type of collector than the collectors of this type of toys. These are more POP ART toys and not your typical retail or designer type toys. Look at them as more of a an “Art Toy.” Art Toys are usually a lot more limited and a lot more about art than playability. Just my personal perspective of course.


  3. Alright, I’m willing to accept that… something about this style of project just doesn’t ‘click’ for me, and I don’t get it.

  4. But at the same time, I thought the Glyuts things were pretty clever, and seemed like a more thought out project…

  5. U know Ben, I had the same problem when I first saw Sucklord’s pieces…then I saw their vision is more of a Pop Art one and even my work continuously rotates 360 degrees from original work, kitbashes, pop art, bootlegs, etc… Every time I think I am content w/ where I am @ w/ my work, then I crave a different direction…is that ADHD? Hahahaha…

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