Resin Toy Update

Four of these guys are now completed. Green, pink, blue, and orange colors. Each is 3.5-inches tall and now I need to name them, design a header card (I know, I know, ziplock and header cards are not the coolest form of packaging), and then set a release date. As to price, I’ve settled on $35; that feels fair for a resin toy of this size and helps me recover the silicon, resin, and paint costs. (He’s swimming in gloss coats.)

Click to visit Flickr.

I’ve posted photos of all four figures over at Flickr. I need to decide if I sell these blind, or if I offer each figure separately so that people can choose a color. And the last question is do I set a launch time/date and run it as “first come, first served” or do I go with a lottery approach?


7 thoughts on “Resin Toy Update

  1. These are super swanky!!! I love the green one best. I would just offer them up here on your site and have it go first come, first serve by posted comments. So basically, have customers post in the comment section that they want one and their color preference in order. I think that would work way easier for ya and rather than have guys camped out by their computers waiting for an exact date and time, you give everyone the same opportunity by merely coming to your site frequently to read your posts, not by who has their priorities so screwed up that they can sit @ a computer for 6-8 hours just waiting for a toy drop.

    Just my 2 cents though.


  2. These are all awesome. Are they articulated at all? The flesh-colored one is my favorite.

  3. These are really awesome. Hopefully I can see one in hand some day. Well done Phil.

  4. I like thinking of these beasts as the
    best HUGGERS in the Universe! ๐Ÿ˜›

    My 2ร‚ยข about selling them is to offer
    them to customers the way you would
    want to buy something similar. Basically
    it’s the selling golden rule : Do unto the
    customers as you would want to be
    treated as a customer.

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