Spotted Online – The Internet Rubs My Face in It

Thanks, web, for continuing to show me that everyone out there in the world already has Iron Man 2 wave two action figures when I can’t find a single one of these in stores in Austin. This time around it’s a Titanium Man review at Articulated Discussion that’s forcing me on the hunt for new action figures.

Click to visit Articulated Discussion.

Titanium Man Review by a Jealous Toy Collector

Let’s see, based solely on the photos at Articulated Discussion and Action Figure Pics my review of the toy is:

  • Sculpt – Awful. The body is too long, the head looks stupid, and there’s nothing about this toy that should make anyone in Austin spend money on it. No, the sculpt is the worst we’ve ever seen in an action figure. If you spot this guy in Austin then you should call me immediately so that I can buy it and save you from the pain.
  • Paint – Metallic green and silver paint? Who in the hell could like metallic green and silver paint? That’s a terrible choice of colors, and the wonderfully-contrasting yellow visor completely ruins the toy.
  • Awesome Look – Man, the photos of this toy make him look like he’s a great villain for the . . . wait, wait, wait!!! Sorry, this toy doesn’t look awesome, he looks dumb. Don’t buy him if you’re in the Austin area. Instead, why don’t you buy one of those DC Universe Classic Cyborg action figures from the Wal-Mart at Slaughter and I-35. Yeah, that’s a much better use of your money.

Click to visit Action Figure Pics.

So there you have it, a complete review of the Iron Man 2 Titanium Man action figure. Aren’t you glad that I saved you some money? And remember, if you collect action figures in Austin then you should not buy this toy. You must notify me when you see him, though, so that I can buy him and remove the temptation. Consider it me doing you a favor.

5 thoughts on “Spotted Online – The Internet Rubs My Face in It

  1. @clark – Yes, everything except DCUC. ;p But nah, I am rather lucky to be where I am. Love the post. At least it wasn’t “Singapore Rubs It In My Face”. Now that, I dunno…lol

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