Hey, I Missed TheGodBeast’s Monstor!

A lot of May has been spent focusing on the office — there have been some longer days than usual — and it looks like I completely missed out on a release by TheGodBeast (website, Twitter). I’m not sure how it happened, but back on May 11 Monstor Set 1 was released. At $15/each, these clear rainbow Frankenstein-like monsters were obviously priced to move because they’re all gone.

Click to visit TheGodBeast!

And a fun resin toy wasn’t enough. No, Nate from Dork Dimension had to join in on the action and created the header card for the release. Damn, Nate’s work keeps getting better. By the time I beg him to create artwork for one of my own releases he’ll be so in demand that I’ll have to plan months in advance.

Click to visit Dork Dimension!

Incredible work from two nice guys. And at least it says it’s the first set; with luck I’ll be a bit more aware of things when the second set drops.